This is just plain stupid....
I've seen this on the news for the last week...
Who cares if Michael Phelps smoked pot.
I mean, yea people say "an Olympian needs better virtues"
who the hell are they to judge these virtues.
Bob Marley smoked tons of pot...
and he's revered!!! He is an amazing artist, one of the best song writers ever, and the king of Reggae.
The Beatles did drugs. worse then pot. in my opinion are one of the most influential bands ever...
Jimi Hendrix did drugs, and he's the best guitarist... ever....
What is up with this double standard between Athletes and Artists?
no... they both are idolized, loved, and role-models to everyone.
Hey USA Today....he's an 14 time Gold Medalist!
pot doesn't affect swimming... believe me, my friend smoke a lot of pot... I swim better then he does.
just look at the guy.... yea he kinda looks like Forest Gump... kept swimming and swimming and swimming.... the guys a swimming fool!! That day, for no particular reason, he decided to go for a little swim. So he swan to the end of the road. And when he got there, he thought maybe he'd swim to the end of town. And when he got there, he thought maybe he'd just swim across Greenbow County. And he figured, since he swim this far, maybe he'd just swim across the great state of Alabama. And that's what he did. he swam clear across Alabama. For no particular reason he just kept on going. he swam clear to the ocean. And when he got there, he figured, since he'd gone this far, he might as well turn around, just keep on going. When he got to another ocean, he figured, since he'd gone this far, he might as well just turn back, keep right on going....
Swim Phelps, swim...
I'm behind him more then ever now
all this proves is that he's human.